挨拶プラスα 天気
It’s really (hot) today, isn’t it?
Do you think this rain will stop soon?
Are you already get used to this weather?
What’s the weather like in your country?
Is there any chance of raining today?
Do you prefer weather here or weather in your country?
Did you hear the thunder storm last night?
I heard that a huge typhoon is coming toward us next week
I wish it would stop raining
The forecast said the temperature drops rapidly this week
You might want to bring an umbrella tomorrow just in case
The wind blew my cap off
I can’t stand this humidity!
It looks like it’s clearing up outside
挨拶プラスα 最新ニュース
Did you already hear about (tax increase)?
What’s going on in this country?
When is the new rule going to start?
What do you think about the
挨拶プラスα 近況を尋ねる
How’s your work going?
Do you have any interesting news to share?
What’s plan for this weekend?
Have you been out recently?
Tell me anything about a recent challenge you faced
Have you made any big purchases?
How is (your brother) doing?
I wanna tell funny story
I will get promoted next month
Recently, I haven’t been thinking of (what I eat)
I just got (a new car)
Because I found a new hobby, I can’t help doing it everyday
My throat has been sored since last week
I’d like to join the company’s potluck tomorrow
挨拶プラスα 体調を伺う
Are you feeling good today?
Have you got an injection for COVID-19?
When did your cough start from?
What time did you go to bed last night?
How is your (headache)?
Do you have (fever) today?
Did you see a docter?
I might have caught a cold
You look pale today
I don’t feel like doing anything today
When you feel sick, you can go home early.
My (legs) are still swollen
I’ve been living stressed days recently.
I’m totally recovered.
挨拶プラスα ゴシップネタにつて話す
Did you hear that (he will still play for Los Angeles Angels)
Can you believe that (someone might be fired)
Have you ever been shocked by the gossip?
Let’s keep it between us, okey?
Have you heard that (the company will release new Iphone next year)?
Do you think there’s any truth to their romantic relations?
Tell me everything you know about this gossip!
I have to tell someone about (this rumor)
I can’t believe (she has a boyfriend)
(The rumor our boss will quit) has been spread out rapidly in our company
I heard that new movie of (the anime) would be released next year
Everyone is talking about (name) again
Let me spill the tea on their relationship
I wanna hear your opinion on this gossip
I’ve been doing 〇〇 since
In my free time, I like to
One of my favorite hobbies is
I’m really into
When I was young, I liked to
I do (hobby) once a week
I spend a lot of time doing (hobby)
What do you like to do in your free time?
Is it popular 〇〇 in your country?
Are there any hobbies you’ve been waiting to try?
Can you share some of your interests with me?
What’s something that you love to do for fun?
What’s your favorite way to relax?
I’d like to know your hobbies.
What is your hometown?
I’d love to know about your hometown!
Is there any special event in your hometown?
What’s the most interesting thing about your hometime
Can you recommend anyplace that I should visit?
What’s your memorable stories or experiences from your hometown?
Do you miss your hometown?
Have you ever been to〇〇?
What’s your favorite travel destination?
What is your best trip memory?
Do you have any travel horror story?
What was the longest flight?
Do you prefer to join guided tour or to explore on your own?
What’s the most important thing for trip?
My favorite place to visit is 〇〇
When I was 〇〇, I went to 〇〇
I like doing 〇〇 during trip
I always book a reasonable hotel
I prefer to get on 〇〇
If you go to 〇〇, I recommend you 〇〇
The best season to visit Okinawa is definitely summer because…
What is your all-time favorite movie?
Who is your favorite actor or actress?
What do you think of new episode of 〇〇?
Do you like to watch a movie at home or in the theater?
What’s the scariest movie you have seen?
Have you ever visited any filming locations?
What is the latest movie that made you cry?
My favorite movie is 〇〇
I have never watched that movie!
My go-to snack for movie is 〇〇
I like watching a documentary movie because~
I hate a jump scare scene
I can’t wait for the next movie
This movie is about~
What kind of music do you listen?
Have you been to any music concert recently?
What’s your favorite musician?
Do you play any instruments?
What’s your go-to karaoke song?
What’s the song that lifts your mood?
What’s the most memorable lyric?
I always play 〇〇song in my car
I’ve been listening to 〇〇 recently
My favorite singer is 〇〇
This song always cheers me up
I’ll go to the music festival next month!
I used to listen to the kind of music, but I haven’t listed recently.
I’ve grown up with this song
What’s your favorite sport?
How long have you played 〇〇?
What was the most memorable achievement?
Have you ever met any professional players?
Do you have any sports-related anime or books?
Have you had any injury while playing sports?
Are you good at playing 〇〇?
I’ve been playing 〇〇 since I was~
Even though I’m not interested in 〇〇, I’m big fan of ~
I want my kids to play 〇〇 because~
When I play 〇〇, I can’t think of anything other than that.
I prefer to watch a game than to play
It’s really different feeling when you watch a game in the stadium.
I wanna try 〇〇 in the near future.
What’s your favorite Japanese food?
What do you usually eat for lunch?
What is the popular cuisine(food) in your hometown?
Do you have your own recipe?
What did you like to eat when you were young?
Does the food have eggs in it?
What is the taste like?
There is my favorite restaurant near here
I’ve never tried 〇〇!
I don’t usually eat 〇〇 food.
Because I love Korean food, I go to Korea once a month
I always skip breakfast because~
When I go to another countries, I always eat the local cuisines
My memorable food in 〇〇 is ~
Do you have any pets?
What are their names?
Do you like to visit zoo?
If you can, what do you want to have in the future?
Do you or have you had any unique animals?
What is the most challenging part of pet ownership?
How much does it cost for your pet a month?
I prefer to have a cat than a dog because~
I used to have 〇〇 when I was young
The cutest moment of 〇〇 is ~
I have an allergy to animal
I fostered a 〇〇 last year
I might want to join the pet insurance
I wonder what they are doing while I’m out.
How often do you exercise a week?
Do you think caffein is good for your health?
Are you on diet?
Do you have any secret to reduce your weight?
What do you eat to keep your body healthy?
What do you do to reduce your stress?
How do you maintain healthy work-life balance?
I try to eat vegetable everyday
My tip to stay motivated to exercise is having a goal
I take some supplements for diet
Although I’m on diet, I eat whatever I want
If I feel stress, I usually do (hobbies)
My company gives me a free health check-up every year
I walk for 30 minutes once two days
What are the three important things for LOVE?
Where did you meet your partner?
What do you like about your partner?
Is it common to use a dating-app to get a partner?
What was the unforgettable moment with your partner?
Do you believe that money is important for LOVE?
What is your ideal married-life?
I’d love to travel the whole world with my partner.
I was dumped by ex due to the long distance-relationship.
I’ve never cheated in my life
I’ve been dating with my partner for (3 months)
My ideal first date is to go to the beach and see sunset.
I wanna live together before marriage because~
The most important thing to stay good relationship is to trust each other.
外国人に“あなたの意見”を求められたことがある人も多いのではないでしょうか?相手の考えていることにも興味をもつことが英会話では大切なのです。しかし、日本人の中には“I don’t know”で自分の意見を考える習慣がそもそもない人が多いので、英会話していても“相手がどう考えているのか”を聞くことがめったにありません。
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